Aging Program Farmer's Market
6701 Highway 85, Riverdale, GA 30274
Fax: 678-479-5069
Program encouraging seniors to eat healthy by offering farmers market events annually. Eating a diet rich in fruit and vegetables can lower the risk of and prevent a number of serious illnesses and health problems such as cancer, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. To assist the seniors of Clayton County in eating a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables, the Senior Services Aging Division holds several farmers markets at our centers for participants.
7251 Mount Zion Circle Morrow, GA 30260
Email: info@asc-ga.org.
The Alzheimer’s Services Center is an Adult Day Care facility that services clients suffering from the debilitating effects of Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia. The Center offers affordable adult day services to clients regardless of age, race, religion, national origin, gender identity or income. The Adult Day Health Care Center gives cognitively impaired older adults the opportunity to meet new friends, immerse themselves in challenging activities and enjoy daily life in comfortable surroundings. ASC strives to improve the quality of life for persons with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia and their caregivers -- many of whom have to work while providing care. Email them at: info@asc-ga.org.
Clayton County Senior Services
6701 Highway 85, Riverdale, GA 30274
Fax: 678-479-5069
Clayton County Senior Services Department is dedicated to ‘changing the face of Aging’ for Clayton County residents! Our mission is to deliver services and programs that promotes independence and dignity and enhances the quality of life while providing a safe and caring environment for older adults, relative caregivers, and grandchildren.
Clayton Senior Adult Program
6213 Riverdale Road, Riverdale, GA 30274
Fax: 678-479-5522
The Clayton Senior Adult Program provides health screenings, exercise programs, and nutritional education. The program also provides shopping assistance twice a month and day and overnight trips. The program is available only to residents of Clayton County who are 60 years of age or older, the spouse of a participant 60 years or older, or a disabled relative living in the home of a participant 60 years or older who is able to function independently.
Frank Bailey Senior Center, 6701 Highway 85, Riverdale, GA 30274
Email: SeniorServices@claytoncountyga.gov.
Our local Senior Center offers services and programs that promote independence and dignity and enhancement of the quality of life while providing a safe and caring environment for older adults, relative caregivers, and grandchildren. The agency also offers a program provides short-term assistance to the elderly citizens of Clayton County when they are facing crisis situations.
J. Charley Griswell Senior Center
2300 Highway 138 SE, Jonesboro, GA 30236
Fax: 770-477-3491
The J Charley Griswell Senior Center welcomes seniors 55 and older to participate in a variety of programs for socialization, learning and entertainment. Many of our programs are designed with an emphasis on health and wellness which include health screenings, exercise programs, nutrition, education, and field trips.
849 Battle Creek Road, Jonesboro, GA 30236
Meals on Wheels
6213 Riverdale Road, Riverdale, GA 30274
Fax: 678-479-5522
The Meals on Wheels Program is headed by the Clayton County Aging Program. The Home Delivered Meals program provides a hot lunch 5 days a week to home-bound individuals who are not able to prepare a balanced meal for themselves to include: Temporarily-home bound: recovering from surgery or an injury; Semi-home bound: able to get out occasionally when there is assistance available; Permanently-home bound: severe impairment; cannot leave his/her house under normal circumstances due to illness, including a terminal illness, incapacitating disability, isolation, and/or lack of transportation; and Lives alone: physically or mentally unable to obtain food and prepare meals, and there is no one else available to obtain food and prepare meals.