777 Cleveland Ave. SW, Suite 520, Atlanta GA 30315
This agency provides housing and support to homeless Veterans, families, and individuals through temporary housing, permanent housing, and case management.
4265 Thurmond Rd., PO Box 2464, Forest Park, GA 30297
A not for profit organization that provides shelter and related services in Clayton County. To reach them, email: info@calvaryrefuge.org.
Clayton Center: Adult Residential
157 Smith Street, Jonesboro, GA 30236
Residential Services provides an array of living arrangements in home-like settings to meet the needs of the person served despite the length or severity of their mental illness. Currently, Clayton Center offers Residential Services for individuals diagnosed with mental health disorders and developmental disabilities. We provide Residential Services in Personal Care Home, Group Home, and Semi-Independent settings. Additionally, Clayton Center has a Shelter Plus Care program which offers Residential Services to individuals that are able to live in their own apartments. To schedule or reschedule appointments with our providers, please contact our Centralized Scheduling Department at 1-844-438-2778.
Clayton County Housing Authority
732 Main St., Forest Park, Ga. 30297
The Housing Authority of Clayton County works to provide decent, safe and sanitary housing for low to moderate income residents of Clayton County.
Clifton Sanctuary Ministries, Inc.
369 Connecticut Ave., NE, Atlanta, GA 30307
Community Shelters for Men, Community Shelters for Men and HIV Infections, Community Shelters for Men and Older Adults, Homelessness.
The D.O.R.M. (The Development of Responsible Men)
640 Highway 138 SW, Riverdale, GA 30274
The D.O.R.M. is a high accountability independent living and transitional housing program for young men, ages 18-24. With low barriers to entry, young men can remain in the program for up to 24 months. The organization serves young men aging out of foster care, leaving jail or prison, who were kicked out and other young men in crisis situations. They provide housing, food, job assistance, referrals to medical and counseling services, GED services and assistance with obtaining important documents, as well as offe job assistance, GED classes, and other essential services.
Fresh Start Jonesboro
Jonesboro, GA
Transitional short-term housing for families that are homeless in Jonesboro.
173 Boulevard NE, Atlanta, GA 30312
Genesis enables homeless families to remain together and creates a participatory community in which parents have the opportunity to live with their children in privacy and with dignity. In empowering families to achieve greater self-sufficiency, Genesis Shelter recognizes individual family needs and provides the resources to meet those needs.
7147 Jonesboro Road, Suite 870051, Morrow, GA 30287
Email: sabrina@gigishouseatl.org
Gigi's House provides safe housing for female teens, ages 13-19, who are at risk of becoming a victim of sex trafficking. Housing is offered for up to 18 months.
P.O. Box 962081, Riverdale Ga 30274
The Heart-Burn fFoundation works to assist those who have been burned out of their homes or apartments due to a devastating fire who don’t have fire insurance. Email them at: heartburn1000@gmail.com.
170 Flint River Rd., Jonesboro, GA 30238
This Clayton County nonprofit offers shelter and related services for the residents of the county.
P.O. Box 1222, Jonesboro, GA 30237
This agency provides housing for teen mothers ages 13-19. To contact them about placement and support services, email: houseofdawn1@bellsouth.net.
Housing Authority of Clayton County
732 Main Street, Forest Park, GA 30297
The Authority provides assistance for low income and section 8 members in Clayton County.
Housing Authority of City of College Park
2000 West Princeton Avenue, College Park, GA 30337
College Park Authority provides assistance for low income and section 8 members in Clayton County.
Interfaith Outreach Home, Inc.
PO Box 48075, Atlanta, GA 30362
A group of churches in the North Atlanta area banded together to offer long-term solutions to the problem. They have a broad base of support that includes individuals, churches, community groups, state, county, foundation, and corporate giving. They believe in keeping families together while they work on the issues that made them homeless. They also concentrate on the children, believing that they too must be served to stop the cycle of poverty and homelessness.
203 Hightower Street, Jonesboro, GA 30236
The Authority provides assistance for low income and section 8 members.
NID-HCA Housing Counsel Agency
21 Highway 138, Riverdale, GA 30274
A nonprofit organization that provides home buying assistance and counseling for low-income persons or families. Email them at: 1nidga@gmail.commail.
879 Battle Creek Rd.,Jonesboro, GA 30236
This organization provides shelter for runaway teens 13-17.
Samaritans Together-Clayton County
1000 Main St., Forest Park, GA 30297
This nonprofit provides assistance as a food pantry.
Southern Crescent Habitat for Humanity
9570 Tara Boulevard, Jonesboro, GA 30236
Habitat for Humanity builds affordable housing for hard working low income families in Henry, Clayton, and Fayette County. Email them at: info@schabitat.org
995 Roswell Street , Suite 344, Marietta Ga 30060
Zion Keepers Inc, is a nonprofit ministry that operates permanent supportive housing for homeless disabled veterans and transitional housing for the homeless and low income persons. This program is faith based and designed to provide a loving stable environment, which allows the resident to continue their recovery from substance abuse and other life controlling issues and progress towards a complete spiritual, physical and economic recovery. Email them at: info@zionkeepers.org